Interested in starting your activities in Europe/Spain through a reliable partner with extensive experience in the European/Spanish markets?
We provide business representation services for any overseas specific company wanting to establish or reinforce its business presence in Europe/Spain or for European companies interested in starting their activities in Spain. We facilitate their expansion into new markets and will act on their behalf always in accordance with their business strategy and corporate culture.
our solutions
Our business representation services are based on time performance, full communication and goal oriented business outlook
Analysing markets and identifying target customers
Detecting new business opportunities
Introducing your company to high-value customers or suppliers
Acting on your behalf in negotiations when required
Helping with product integration and pricing to fit the local markets
Research of partners and full support during any kind of joint venture agreement
Searching for the most accurate distribution channels
Coordinating and representing your company on trade shows and networking events
Providing translation services into different European languages/Spanish